$ 0.27234670
volume, 24 h
$ 138.627
market cap
$ 14 487.555

Next Generation Social Network

HeartBout is a social network based on the blockchain technology with a decentralized system to encourage user activity.

App store
Vote Earn Compete
The purpose of creating the HeartBout social network was the ability to convert the time spent on the network into the income for its users. HeartBout will become the platform where all participants, both authors and voters, get profit for their activity.
The design and functionality of the HeartBout social network are developed to meet the interests of the different social categories representatives. Both photos and videos without restrictions, as well as links to videos from various popular video-social resources, such as YouTube etc can be posted on the HeartBout social network.

A distinctive feature of HeartBout is the presence of such unique features as the creation of categories by interests and the ability to compare two posts between users in the battle format.

how it works

HeartBout Token

The Heartbout token HB is the only and fundamental token of the HeartBout social network. The HB token is designed to encourage the HeartBout social network users` activity and is also directly linked to its advertising opportunities, namely, allows you to pay for advertising impressions.

The advertiser also has the right to choose the base cost, which should not exceed $2 for every 1000 views at the current rate to the HB token in the system and when he uses it, his advertising will be shown in order of priority.
